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Botanical Signs in the Garden

One of the Conservancy's original goals, and a frequently voiced request from visitors, has been to provide some sort of plant identification system, and in 2014, after much debate as to method and materials, we installed 32 permanent signs identifying key features of the garden. We have now just added 24 more signs, thanks to a grant from the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon through the Elaine Joines Memorial Grants program, and plan to add more periodically, as time and money allow. We will be guided in our selection by those plants which generate the most interest for our visitors, and by the natural evolution of the maturing garden.

All materials for our signs are locally sourced and selected for their durability and natural appearance to compliment the plantings. Our thanks to Mike Polly Welding for the heavy galvanized stakes and Danny Curler of Station 3 Promotional Graphics, for the labels. All parts of the signs, which include the stakes, cedar back plates and labels, were assembled using stainless steel screws by volunteers Rick and Janet Anderson and may be easily disassembled for re-use when necessary.

The signs, which show botanical and common names, will be used in a guide to plants in the garden that will combine taxonomic, botanical and cultural as well as some anecdotal information into a compendium to be made available online and in the Garden House for visitors.

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